Shriver Center Offers New Tools to End Poverty

The Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law offers two important new tools for advocates of low-income people.

“Rebuilding America’s Lower Ninth” is a campaign to frame a national dialogue on poverty in late summer:

When Katrina devastated the Gulf States last year, the hurricane alerted the nation to a state without borders, a state whose geography extends beyond the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans—it is the State of Poverty, America’s undeclared disaster area. As part of our State of Poverty initiative, the Shriver Center is coordinating media outreach events between August 21 – September 1, 2006 in a campaign called Rebuilding America’s Lower Ninth …

Our efforts are improving the lives of low-wage workers, helping families advance toward economic security, and preserving communities of opportunity throughout our country. However, we know that we are not alone. As we look to constructive policies that move people from poverty to prosperity, we are asking you to lend your voice and your solutions to this week of outreach and public education.

The newest issue of Clearinghouse Review “focuses on what the federal government must do to end poverty in America.”

The jam-packed May/June 2006 edition features topics ranging from arguments against a “small and passive federal government” to ways to combat adult illiteracy and improve public housing.

For more information about these and other Shriver Center projects, visit