Cover the Uninsured Week 2007

April 23-29 is Cover the Uninsured Week 2007.

Now in its fifth year, Cover the Uninsured Week brings together business owners, union members, educators, students, patients, physicians, nurses, faith leaders and their congregants, and organizations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to demand that our nation’s leaders find solutions for the nearly 45 million Americans living without health insurance. What started in 2003 as a week-long effort to raise awareness has become a nationwide movement to make sure that this issue is a top national priority. Each year, Cover the Uninsured Week gains momentum as thousands of people organize events and activities on behalf of America’s uninsured.

The event’s site contains a map of nationwide events, facts and figures, state profiles, news and updates, and more.

Chip Ward on the “Chronically Homeless”

An article by Chip Ward, the recently retired assistant director of the Salt Lake City Public Library System, has stirred public and professional discussion.

An abridged version of “What They Didn’t Teach Us in Library School: The Public Library as an Asylum for the Homeless” appeared in the L.A. Times (4/1/07). The complete article is available via NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” (4/2/07) interviewed the author, and so did LibVibe (4/5/07).

Ward describes the frustrations of library staff who interact with people living on the extreme edge of homelessness—“street people” suffering profound physical and mental health problems, who never manage to escape their circumstances.

His workplace anecdotes no doubt resonate with many librarians, particularly the profiles of “peculiar” patrons.

Ophelia sits by the fireplace and mumbles softly, smiling and gesturing at no one in particular. She gazes out the large window through the two pairs of glasses she wears, one windshield-sized pair over a smaller set perched precariously on her small nose. Perhaps four lenses help her see the invisible other she is addressing. When her “nobody there” conversation disturbs the reader seated beside her, Ophelia turns, chuckles at the woman’s discomfort, and explains, “Don’t mind me, I’m dead. It’s okay. I’ve been dead for some time now.” She pauses, then adds reassuringly, “It’s not so bad. You get used to it.”

The author ably identifies the inadequacies of our existing social safety net and the double standards we embrace.

Our condemnation of transient-style alcoholism is both hypocritical and snobbish. If you are unhappy and caught without a prescription in America, you self-medicate. Depressed lawyers do it with fine scotch. An unemployed trucker might turn to beer or meth. Anxiety-ridden teachers or waitresses might smoke pot or order just one more margarita. Indigent people who want relief from their demons drink whatever is available and affordable or swallow whatever pills come their way.

Ward shows that librarians are not the only ones eager for better answers to the “archipelago of despair.”

Paramedics are caught in the middle of this dark carnival of confusion and neglect. In the winter, when the transient population of the library increases dramatically, we call them almost every day. Once, when I apologized to a paramedic for calling twice, he responded, “Hey, no need to explain or apologize.” He swept his arm towards the other paramedics, surrounding a portable gurney on which they would soon carry a disoriented old man complaining of dizziness to the emergency room. “Look at us,” he said, “we’re the mobile homeless clinic. This is what we do. All day long, day after day, and mostly for the same people over and over.”

He also rightly notes that jails and prisons now house significant numbers of the mentally ill due to our nation’s pathetic healthcare system and the lack of affordable housing.

The cost of keeping a mentally-ill person in jail is not cheap. In Utah, it turns out to be the yearly equivalent of tuition at an Ivy League college. For that kind of taxpayer money, we could get our mentally ill off the streets and into stable housing environments with enough leftover for the kinds of support services most of them need to stay off the street.

Again, the right thing to do for them may also be the most practical choice for us. We could solve the problem for less than it costs to manage it. In the meanwhile, they will cycle between the jail and the library. Is it any wonder that they crave a calm and entertaining environment after weeks, months, or years of fear and noise in jail? From a taxpayer’s perspective, however, it seems cheaper to warehouse them in the library, between stints in jail—or simply to pay no attention to where they are at all.

Overall, Ward’s piece is well-informed and points to new strategies like Housing First, which prioritizes stable housing first and support services second.

Readers must remain alert to the fact that he is describing a small segment of the homeless population. The behavior and descriptions here can easily reinforce certain stereotypes that do not apply to the majority of homeless individuals.

To date, too much library literature has focused complaint on Ward’s “street people” and too little has addressed how libraries can thoughtfully serve all low-income people.

What are libraries doing for those who do not create such sensational portraits, who are otherwise indistinguishable from anyone else, but who nonetheless struggle with poverty and social exclusion?

What kind of relationships do we have with community agencies that serve low-income people? What input do we seek directly from low-income people and how do we collaborate with them?

And outside the library, what are we doing to prompt community change and to create a more humane world?

Ward’s closing paragraphs bear close scrutiny:

The belief that we are responsible for each other’s social, economic, and political well-being, that we will care for our weakest members compassionately, should be the keystone in the moral architecture of a democratic culture …

We will let Ophelia and the others stay with us and we will be firm but kind. We will wait for America to wake up and deal with its Ophelias directly, deliberately, and compassionately. In the meantime, our patrons will continue to complain about her and the others who seek shelter with us. Yes, we know, we say to them; we hear you loud and clear. Be patient, please, we are doing the best we can. Are you?

Second Life is preoccupying a lot of librarians right now. Perhaps we could do more to help fellow citizens obtain a Better Life.

And also …

If you’ve read this far, check out artist Peter Bagge’s take on homeless people, “Bums”:

It was just reported by the AP that paroled sex offenders were forced to live under a bridge in Miami. One of the men had “trouble charging the GPS tracking device he is required to wear [because] there are no power outlets nearby.”

William T. Vollmann's POOR PEOPLE

National Book Award-winning novelist William T. Vollmann has published a compelling book on poverty, titled simply Poor People (Ecco/HarperCollins), with interviews he conducted all around the world.

Writing in the Minneapolis Star Tribune (3/11/07), National Book Critics Circle (NBCC) president John Freeman compares Vollman’s project to James Agee’s and Walker Evans’ study of white sharecroppers in 1936:

By eschewing the usual social-science observations, Vollmann has written a book of enormous power—one that honors the magnitude of each story it records. “For me,” Vollmann writes, “poverty is not mere deprivation; for people may possess fewer things than I and be richer; poverty is wretchedness. It must then be an experience more than an economic state. It therefore remains somewhat immeasurable.”

Chuck Leddy, another NBCC member, writes the following in The Christian Science Monitor (3/13/07):

Throughout the book, Vollmann ruminates deeply on the manifold causes and consequences of poverty, and on what obligation individuals and nations have toward the poor. He considers the role of the United Nations, and the widely lauded idea of “more aid, better directed,” but remains skeptical about slogans …

Poor People enlightens, posing important questions and putting a human face on the socioeconomic statistics.

Phone Service Discounts for Low-Income People

Through the federal government’s Lifeline and Link-Up programs, low-income people can obtain discounts on monthly phone service as well as installation.

The federal standards require consumers to either (1) have total household income that does not exceed 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or (2) participate in at least one of the following assistance programs:

Medicaid; Food Stamps; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8); Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF); The National School Lunch Program’s “Free Lunch” Program

More information, including state-specific info, is available through

See also:

Tackling Exclusion, Building Communities

As the HHPTF has documented, U.S. libraries have been slow to adopt the social-exclusion framework for public service. See, for example, the “Open to All?” research, conducted in Great Britain.

Librarians who are seeking community-building models can benefit tremendously from projects launched in Great Britain and Canada.

Through national campaigns, these countries promote relationships between library staff and traditionally excluded groups. The resulting collaborations create more useful programs and services and more cohesive communities.

Canada’s Working Together Project has launched a new Web site: Though portions are still under development, the site promises info on best practices, outreach toolkits, and more.

The Working Together Project has two main objectives.

The first objective is to use a community development approach to build connections and relationships in the community. These connections facilitate a better understanding of what socially excluded communities want and need from public libraries …

The second objective is to identify and investigate systemic barriers to library use. Many socially excluded people see and feel barriers that may not be evident to librarians and library staff.

The WTP is coordinated by LJ “Mover & Shaker” Annette DeFaveri and directed by her colleague Sandra Singh. DeFaveri authored the must-read article “Breaking Barriers: Libraries and Socially Excluded Communities” [pdf].

Helen Carpenter, Project Coordinator with the London Libraries Development Agency, has helped launch Welcome to Your Library, featuring a Website for improving access for refugees and asylum seekers: The site offers resources applicable to all socially-excluded groups, including practical advice, case studies, research reports, and more.

Welcome To Your Library (WTYL) is a project to increase opportunities for active engagement and participation by refugee communities in public library service planning and delivery. By doing so, WTYL aims to improve access to and quality of public library services for everyone.

A primary component of the social-exclusion framework is an understanding that there are many people in society who have no say in decision-making and have no access to power structures.

Exclusion is not merely a condition suffered by a passive victim but rather a deliberate (if uninformed) act performed by an authority. Social isolation doesn’t merely exist—it is created and perpetuated.

For a detailed yet accessible primer on social exclusion, read John Pateman’s 2005 keynote address from the Vancouver Public Library Staff Conference: “Tackling Social Exclusion in Libraries” [pdf].

How Can Librarians Respond to Poverty?

The following commentary was posted by Isabel Espinal on the Progressive Librarians Guild list (12/06/06) as part of a discussion about service to low-income people, particularly African American and Latino families. It is reprinted here, with minor edits and with her permission.

How can librarians respond [to poverty]? Good question. I thought of just a few things. Maybe others can think of more:

1. Strengthen the libraries in communities where poor African American and Latino families live.

My thoughts on this come from my experience in public libraries in such communities years ago, but also my recent experience at the University of Massachusetts Learning Commons.

From my experience working in public libraries in Connecticut, it seemed that libraries in poor neighborhoods were often the least well funded and the most vulnerable to be cut. Sometimes the reasoning was low circulation—sort of saying those people don’t read so why waste money on libraries there. The logic seemed crazy to me because to me those are the libraries that are most needed. They should be the last to be cut.

Well-to-do people (who abound in Connecticut) and even middle class people can afford to buy their own books and computers. Poor people can’t. When I worked in Connecticut (and I’m not saying all Connecticut libraries do this nor that they still do this), I got frustrated with the model that rewarded libraries with high circulation by giving them more resources, while punishing libraries with low circulation.

I also was frustrated because the staffing model that was in place in many libraries made it difficult to get out of the vicious cycle. There was not enough, if any, staffing for outreach work, which is time-intensive work.

It seemed libraries too often just sat there waiting for people to come in who oftentimes did not know the library even existed, nor that it had anything relevant, nor that it would welcome them. Or the library just wasn’t open when working people were not working. So no wonder there was low circulation.

In poor communities, and in all communities, the library has a special role as a place. I work at a university now that has a very successful Learning Commons. It’s interesting in many ways but one thing that strikes me is the turn around in the thinking of some librarians who a few years ago thought we needed to think of all users as remote users and downplay our investment in the library as a physical place.

Well, that day might be coming, but right now one thing the Learning Commons is telling us is that it’s still important to invest in places that people can go to to access resources. Not only that but to expand the hours—we are now open 24 hours five of the days of the week. And circulation has gone up by 84% since the Learning Commons opened.

So what does this have to do with poor people and specifically poor African American and Latino people? Well, I think it would be great if three were Learning Commons in libraries in every poor Latino and African American community.

2. People who are not poor are not well informed about poverty and are often deliberately misinformed by certain politicians.

I think libraries can play a role in providing information about poverty and poor people to everyone, but especially in a context of informing citizens whose votes will affect policies that can alleviate, eliminate, or on the other hand reproduce and even extend poverty.

I think libraries in affluent and middle class communities can do a lot to bridge the information and misinformation gap. And this can take on a more active approach than just collection development, which is important.

But there could be displays around certain dates—I know that Kathleen de la Peña McCook’s blogs like A Librarian at the Kitchen Table highlights various observance days that libraries can participate in.

Human Rights Day, December 10, is a perfect example with its logo this year [2006]: “Fighting Poverty: A Matter of Obligation not Charity.” Libraries can also make it a point to invite speakers and authors who address issues of poverty and in particular of race, culture, and poverty. From all angles.

The policy angles are important, but I think for many white (and even non-white) middle class people, they need to hear stories of what it’s like to be poor and black or Latino in America—they have no idea. So library book discussion groups would also be a venue for addressing these issues.

3. What are the information and library needs of poor black and Latino people?

These need to be asked, explored, and addressed. They need to be a priority for libraries.

Isabel Espinal

Fiasco in Florida: No Housing, No Human Rights

On January 19, police and fire officials in St. Petersburg, Florida, dismantled a tent city inhabited by homeless people.

According to The Ledger and other media, officers reportedly destroyed many of the tents and the personal possessions left inside.

Facing litigation and public outrage at the manner in which the city acted, Mayor Rick Baker announced the availability of $150,000 to help homeless people and plans for a new shelter with 200 beds.

Outside City Hall, an advocate for the homeless said he was puzzled that no one who is homeless had a say in Baker’s plan.

“Homeless people are more than happy to sit down and share their experiences,” Eric Rubin said. “Aren’t they the best ones to know what will work?” …

Darryl Rouson, the former president of the St. Petersburg NAACP, represents the Rev. Bruce Wright and his Refuge Ministries, as well as several homeless people who had their belongings destroyed in the police raids.

On the same day that he attended Baker’s news conference, Rouson formally notified the city that it could face a lawsuit for civil rights violations that include destroying personal property without due process.

More than a week before the raid, Mayor Baker published an op-ed that speaks to his belief that poverty is a lifestyle:

The difficult balance is to satisfy our societal and moral obligation to help those in our community who are in need and who are willing to work toward independence, but not open the door to make us a magnet for people to come from other places, or for those who simply want our taxpayers to support a lifestyle that should not be tax-subsidized.

As the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty points out, the “magnet theory” is a myth: 75% of homeless people remain in the city in which they became homeless. That said, perhaps more people would “choose” a different “lifestyle” if living wages and affordable housing were available to everyone.

A week before the raid, the St. Petersburg Times profiled some of the tent city’s residents, including a woman who escaped domestic abuse, a couple in their late-20s, a bi-polar woman on disability, and a former felon.

Watching Jessica Tennyson sweep out her tent, it’s hard to imagine she could lose anything. Slowly, meticulously, she slides the broom bristles across the lip of the dustpan. Back and forth, she strains to get every grain of sand, every sliver of grass.

But she did lose something: her Social Security disability check. Two months running the checks have failed to come, and now she says the government has put a freeze on her account until it can determine if the checks were stolen and cashed.

Want to be a part of the solution in St. Pete? Here are some organizations seeking your help:

Pinellas County Coalition for the Homeless

St. Vincent de Paul

Catholic Charities

Worcester Public Library Settles Homeless Suit

What a great way to start 2007! We almost missed the following positive news, which appeared December 25th:

Last week, the city [of Worcester, Mass.] settled with the Legal Assistance Corp. of Central Massachusetts and the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, which filed the suit on behalf of three co-plaintiffs who live in shelters and felt they were discriminated against.

Under the settlement, the library has scrapped its policy restricting borrowing privileges of residents of shelters, transitional housing programs and adolescent programs.

In addition, the city has agreed to host the National Coalition for the Homeless’ Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau in Worcester, according to a joint statement released by the library and Legal Assistance Corporation. As part of the event, people who have experienced homelessness share their stories with the community, telling of the hardships and discrimination they faced …

The head of the local chapter of the ACLU said when the suit was filed that people should be judged on their own merits, and not on their living status. Last week, those involved in the case praised the resolution without the need for further legal action.

“We appreciate the willingness of the city and the library board of directors to come to the table to discuss equal access to the library and its materials for all,” Jonathan L. Mannina, executive director of Legal Assistance, said.

The complete story is available on the LACCM’s Web site.

Homeless People and the Seattle Public Library

Via SRRT’s Fred Stoss and DrWeb’s Domain, a profile of the Seattle Public Library’s relationship with homeless patrons:

“New Library a Haven for Homeless”
by Vanessa Ho
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006

… [T]oday, the library is doing more to accommodate both rich and poor. There are more programs for a wider audience, from noontime lectures to children’s events to writing workshops for homeless people …

Anyone who reeks gets a polite request to leave and a card telling him or her where to get a free shower.

“That’s probably the one that’s the most difficult to enforce, because it’s really personal,” [security officer Christopher] Hogan said.

Since the library opened, officers have barred more than 800 rule breakers, mostly for sleeping or being disruptive. The exclusions last for a few days to one year.

[Tiberious] Shapiro, who often plays pinochle online, said he had a spell of nodding off at the library, which got him banned. He had torn his shoulder at a job heaving 50-pound sacks of rice, was on painkillers and couldn’t stay awake. But the officers, he said, had been nice about it.

“They go out of their way to give you every possible chance they can.”

Benefits Program Locator and Tax Toolkit

Earlier this year, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities compiled and organized links to state-based benefits programs and related resources.

Virtually all states have made information regarding the five main state-administered low-income benefit programs—food stamps, Medicaid, SCHIP, TANF and child care—available to the public via the internet. There is significant variation between what online information is provided across states.

Some provide a simple description of each program on their agencies websites. Others offer additional information, such as application forms, eligibility screening tools, and policy and procedure manuals used by state agency caseworkers.

Find your state here:

The CBPP has also created a 2006 tax toolkit for low-income families who may benefit from the Earned Income Credit (EIC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). In their words, “Make Tax Time Pay!”

For more info visit: