Toronto's New Chief Librarian Tackles Poverty profiled new Toronto Public Library Chief Librarian Jane Pyper, who is charged with implementing TPL’s new strategic plan.

As Pyper articulates, the plan will specifically address, among other things, the needs of low-income people:

“What people who come here are looking for is assistance in language—fluency in English,” she said. “And information in their particular profession. We’ve all heard about the taxi drivers with a PhD. Well they’re looking for the tools to get re-accreditation and textbooks that support retraining. Sometimes we do that in partnership with other settlement workers. We’re finding that to be a mutually beneficial partnership.” …

“Part of our success has been that we respond to what’s happening in Toronto. And you are as successful as you are relevant. So we must ask, what is the city facing? Well, diversity is a fact of the city’s life. Growing income disparity and child poverty is increasing, so one focus is on getting a foundation in life and for us that involves promoting early literacy. I think the secret is relevance and responsiveness.”

Our best wishes to Pyper and TPL staff in their endeavors!