The National Center for Children in Poverty has just published a new report in its Child Poverty in 21st Century America Series.
“Who Are America’s Poor Children?” notes the following:
Twelve million children live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level—which is about $16,000 for a family of three and $19,000 for a family of four. Perhaps more stunning is that 5 million children live in families with incomes of less than half the poverty level—and the numbers are rising. Yet research clearly shows that, on average, it takes an income of at least twice poverty to cover a family’s most basic expenses.
According to the NCCP, poverty is more prevalent among black and Latino children: 33% and 28% respectively versus 10% of white children.
Poverty is associated with negative outcomes for children. It can impede children’s cognitive development and their ability to learn. It can contribute to behavioral, social, and emotional problems. And poverty can lead to poor health among children as well.
Some 19% of U.S. children lack health insurance, including 29% of children in the state of Texas.
A printable PDF version is available here.