The Community Planning and Development office at HUD disburses more than $3.6 billion in federal funding for rental assistance, mental health and substance use treatment, and outreach to try and get those living outside into shelter or housing.
Category: hunger
New Photography Exhibit at Central Library Highlights Mementos of Those Living on the Streets
“It is not the homeless person that needs to be humanized,” Lommasson said. “It is us. One thing I’ve learned from this project is that any of us, if one or two circumstances changed in our lives, we could be unhoused. There’s a whole list of factors why people are homeless.”

Playing Politics with Children in Need
“We’ve systemically defunded vital social services for years in Oklahoma now, almost like a blood sport for political gain,” said state Rep. Forrest Bennett, a Democrat. “It’s at the expense of plenty of folks who need our compassion and get cruelty instead, especially kids.”
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Worcester Libraries Facing Inquiries

“We are proud that we are a safe space for so many and we are constantly working to make sure it is truly a safe space for all,” said Jason Homer, executive director of the Worcester Public Library. “We have to set clear expectations with those who may be in crisis to ensure everyone’s experience is one rooted in safety and equity.”
Massachusetts Will Let People Receiving Food Assistance Use Their Benefits at Restaurants for the First Time
Come September, Massachusetts will let people receiving food assistance use their benefits at restaurants for the first time.
What’s happening: Fourteen Boston-area restaurants were selected by the state to participate in a pilot program with the federal government, called the Restaurant Meals Program. There were 27 total restaurants selected statewide.
MORE THAN SHELTER: A Town Hall About Homelessness and Community: Join Us Online on Wednesday, May 10, 6:00-7:30 p.m. ET
How should we understand the increasing demonization and criminalization of homelessness across America? Is shelter alone enough for meeting the call of this moment, or merely an essential starting place? What can leaders in this field teach us about invoking empathy and critical analysis in responding to this complex set of issues?

Richland Library Wants to Help People Understand What Being Homeless is Like
“In recognition of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, Richland Library is asking you to spend a few moments in the life of someone who can no longer afford a home.
The library offers the My Life Experience Empathy Lab, which uses virtual technology and simulation tools to see things from a new perspective.”
Neighborhood Fills a Food Box at 46th & Colfax
“It’s a food shelf with the soul of a Little Free Library. A new “neighborhood food box” has become a quick drop site for food donations and food collections at 46th & Colfax.”

Duluth Changes Laws, Seeks More Dignity for Homeless
“As part of a concentrated effort to help people experiencing homelessness, the city of Duluth last week took laws off the books that made it illegal to panhandle and sleep in a car.”
Art at Peoria Public Library Gives Homeless a Voice
“Ford’s interactive display allows library visitors, many of them homeless, to express themselves anonymously. Panels hanging from the ceiling ask visitors ‘What do you need? What can you give?’ Paper, pens, and a drop box allow visitors to answer. Ford periodically empties the box and pins the responses on the five panels in the display.
She’s been surprised by what people have said. The vast majority didn’t ask for money or housing or food — they asked for empathy.”