For the first time in decades, every municipality in New Jersey now has a specific housing obligation. The last housing obligations set by the state, done by what was the Council on Affordable Housing at the time, ended in 1999.
Category: government
Everyone is talking about the need for affordable housing.
The Supreme Court Rules on Homelessness: What it All Means
Last week, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Grants Pass v. Johnson, which makes it easier for communities nationwide to fine, ticket or arrest people living unsheltered, even when there is no adequate shelter available.
Task Force on Latinx People Experiencing Homelessness
According to data from LAHSA’s annual homeless count, Latinos experienced an over 70% increase in homelessness between 2018 and 2023. The 26% increase from 2020 to 2022 was especially notable, given the significant decreases among other demographics during the same time period.
Nobel Economist Tells G-20 to Slap Climate Tax on Billionaires
Duflo wants to raise $500 billion to mitigate climate effects.
Rich nations have ‘moral debt’ to poor countries, she argues.
Playing Politics with Children in Need
“We’ve systemically defunded vital social services for years in Oklahoma now, almost like a blood sport for political gain,” said state Rep. Forrest Bennett, a Democrat. “It’s at the expense of plenty of folks who need our compassion and get cruelty instead, especially kids.”
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Worcester Libraries Facing Inquiries

“We are proud that we are a safe space for so many and we are constantly working to make sure it is truly a safe space for all,” said Jason Homer, executive director of the Worcester Public Library. “We have to set clear expectations with those who may be in crisis to ensure everyone’s experience is one rooted in safety and equity.”
Salem Public Library Budget Cuts Disappoint Community
“No librarian wants to cut hours, we want to expand libraries if we could,” said Interim City Librarian Bridget Esqueda.
Brooklyn’s New Affordable Housing Development is Built on Top of a Public Library
“A rebuilt branch of the Brooklyn Public Library is opening with a new feature: on the seven floors right above the library, there will be 49 affordable housing units. Michelle de la Uz, executive director of Fifth Avenue Committee, a nonprofit that builds affordable housing and which partnered with the Brooklyn Public Library on the project, said she’s excited to see how those tenants engage with the library, and that the branch’s programming and resources could help people feel less isolated.
Linda Johnson, president and CEO of the Brooklyn Public Library, and de la Uz hope to see it replicated, throughout New York and beyond. “There’s an urgent need for affordable housing, and there are a lot of underutilized libraries that need modernization anyway,” de la Uz says. ‘Why not kill two birds with one stone?'”
City Invests in Rochester Public Library to Expand Support for Homeless Families
The City of Rochester is working to invest in an expansion at the Rochester Public Library to help homeless individuals and families.
According to Mayor Evans, the investments would be to expand the library’s Family Resource Center to help with critical family crisis services.