Burlington Public Library builds community by hosting Help Me, Help Someone, a support and networking group for people facing difficulties.
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Libraries add laptops to serve poor areas
“Six Milwaukee public libraries have brought in 240 laptop computers to improve Internet access in poor neighborhoods.”
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Free food at the library
St. Paul public libraries are providing free lunches this summer. This is the first time the libraries have served free lunches. Librarians saw the need for the service after so many children were showing up hungry.
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“Designed to fail” system of public education
Protestors march to Pennsylvania’s state capital to oppose Governor Corbett’s planned budget cuts to public education. These cuts will largely affect poor and underserved children. On the state chopping block are art, music, and library programs.
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Empty summer in the city for kids hit by cutbacks
This is not the year of child.
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Doing Better for Families
Poverty in households with children is rising in nearly all OECD countries. Governments should ensure that family support policies protect the most vulnerable, according to the OECD’s first-ever report on family well-being.
Doing Better for Families says that families with children are more likely to be poor today than in previous decades, when the poorest in society were more likely to be pensioners.
OECD (2011), Doing Better for Families
Homeless connecting with family, friends through social networking
“Case workers at The Road Home say many homeless people do have cell phones, but rules require they have to go to public libraries and other places to connect online for social networking.”
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Protecting Students Against the Effects of Poverty: Libraries
Stephen Krashen’s recent article, Protecting Students Against the Effects of Poverty: Libraries, asserts that the most serious problem in American education is poverty.
National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day
“Homeless people will die in your community this year.
Plan to memorialize them on December 21, the first day of winter,
the longest night of the year.”
Read about the National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day here.
Survival Needs and Social Inclusion: Technology Use Among the Homeless
Jahmeilah Roberson and Bonnie Nardi, researchers at the University of California’s (Irvine)Department of Informatics, wrote, Survival Needs and Social Inclusion: Technology Use Among the
Homeless. This is an ethnographic study of issues surrounding digital technologies owned and used by homeless people in Los Angeles County.